RPA Webinar

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Webinar is a live event with a predetermined date and time. There must be a set time when the live streaming begins.

We offer video on demand links of your webinars after the events. This allows anyone to replay the live webinar at their convenience. These links are provided to the attendees the day after the webinars have taken place. This is to give people the chance to re-watch the video sessions or to watch the original webinar for the first time if they were unable to attend it live.

AOPG create the following promotion and information assets for every webinar:

  • Banner/masthead design.
  • Similar look and feel social media promotional graphic card.
  • Paid and generic social media promotion.
  • Abstract describing the content, aims and speakers in the webinar. The abstract will also outline the benefits of attending/viewing the webinar.
  • Promotional HTML EDMs to drive attendance to the webinar.
  • 2 day, 1 day and 1 hour reminder emails to maximise registration to attendance ratio.
  • Webinar registration page with pre-agreed qualification and Opt-in questions included.
  • Unique registration page tracking links to record where registrations are generated.
  • Host/moderator to run and coordinate running the webinar on the day.
  • Pre-Webinar rehearsal and familiarisation session for presenters, coordinated and run by our host/moderator.
  • Post Webinar follow up email for attendees with pre-agreed content included.
  • Post webinar follow up for absentees with pre agreed content and link to view webinar recording.
  • Webinar recording featured on linked news portal (DSA, DTA or CSA) and posted the day after the live webinar.
  • Full post-mortem report including, total number of clicks to registration page, details on all registrations and attendee transcript of questions asked during webinar, attentiveness statistics and analysis on attendance duration times.

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  • Campaign Type:
  • Telemarketing
  • Industry:
  • :

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