
Backup Capability

Backup capability means being able to make copies of physical or virtual files—and even entire databases—to a secondary location so they are “preserved” in case anything untoward happens to the original storage location. This is just one of the capabilities of Veeam, and it is explained in detail in this video.


Recovery Capability

Recover capability means being able to restore or recover files, apps and workloads after failure or a cyber attack. It is a critical capability and one that should ideally take as short a time as possible to keep downtime to a minimum. Veeam has this capability as well, and this video explains more of it in greater detail.


3-2-1-1-0 RULE

One of the hallmarks of Veeam is implementing the 3-2-1-1-0 Rule, which is an upgrade over the industry standard 3-2-1 Rule. Find out in this video all about this rule and why it is better than the industry standard.


Monitoring and Analytics

These capabilities let you nip issues in the bud—long before they can cause problems.


Immutability for Backups

This capability keeps your backup data from being changed or altered, which is crucial now given the rise of ransomware.


Keeping Things Clean

This means keeping cyber threats out by using antivirus and malware solutions to keep backups clean and reliable.


Recovery Testing and Verification

These capabilities ensure that your backups are reliable and error-free, and that they will power back on and come back.



This capability lets you choose your own recovery depending on your needs or preference.

Find Out How Here

Reliable data recovery is a necessity in these data-driven times. In this article, Veeam outlines three strategies to ensure the reliability of your data recovery. It also explains why you should turn to Veeam for this mission-critical necessity.

Reliable Data Recovery Is a Necessity: Here Is How You Can Ensure It