The modern attack surface is growing rapidly.
A Microsoft Risk IQ study found that over 117,00 new hosts are created, 613 new domains are added, and 375 new threats are released EVERY MINUTE. Plus, the number of new vulnerabilities continues to grow at unprecedented pace.
The average large organisation uses more than 130 different cybersecurity point solutions, leading to inefficiencies, inconsistencies and no way to tangibly reduce risk or succinctly communicate their security status.

Tenable One Exposure Management Platform unifies a variety of data sources into a single exposure view to help organisations gain visibility, prioritise efforts and communicate cyber risks.
Tenable One combines broad vulnerability coverage — spanning IT assets, cloud resources, containers, web apps and identity systems — and builds on the speed and breadth of vulnerability data from Tenable Research. This platform offers cybersecurity teams a contextual view of all assets and associated software vulnerabilities, configuration vulnerabilities and entitlement vulnerabilities, whether on-premises or in the cloud, to help them understand where they are most exposed to risk.

Security practitioners need full visibility into the attack surface along with a unified view of all assets. Tenable One Exposure Management Platform can help security practitioners prioritise efforts in remediating software vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and improperly assigned credential entitlements.
Such comprehensive visibility and prioritisation capabilities enable security teams to better understand their attack surface, eliminate blind spots and build a baseline for effective risk management. This empowers them to make the best decisions around what, when and how to mitigate exposures that put the organisation most at risk.

Security managers need to focus available resources on their most pressing security needs through insight and context about threats, assets and privileges. Tenable One Exposure Management Platform helps security managers eliminate windows of risk while reducing resources needed to remediate and respond.
It enables these users to anticipate attack consequences by providing a contextual view of how assets and users are interrelated across the attack surface. It also provides security managers with clear and easily communicated key performance indicators (KPIs), yielding insights into the organisation’s progress over time, as well as benchmark comparisons within the organisation.

CISOs, BISOs and other security executives require accurate risk assessments to improve investment decisions, make decisions about insurability, meet regulatory and compliance requirements and drive organisational improvement. Tenable One Exposure Management Platform provides actionable metrics to help security leaders measure, compare and communicate cyber risk, not only to operations teams within IT and security, but also up and out to non-technical executives and operating teams throughout the enterprise.
A unified cyber risk view with clear KPIs enables executives to measure progress over time and benchmark comparisons against industry peers and within the organisation. The goal? Helping security leaders answer the question, “How secure are we?”