In today’s digital landscape, ransomware threats are constantly evolving, morphing into ever more sophisticated strains. These malicious attacks can lock down critical data, cripple operations, and inflict devastating financial losses. A robust data protection strategy is no longer optional – it’s the cornerstone of business continuity, ensuring you can bounce back quickly from any disruption.
Wondering how well your organisation is prepared? We’ve created this online intelligent assessment to help you gauge your data resilience.
Take a few minutes to answer a handful of questions, and you’ll instantly receive a personalised report delivered straight to your inbox. This intelligent assessment, created with the support of Pure Storage, a leader in data storage solutions, will help pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to data protection.
We believe knowledge is power, and this assessment will empower you to make informed decisions about your data security.
Thank you for your time, and we hope you find this assessment beneficial!
Intelligent Assessment

1)  Are ransomware protection and continuity features integrated into your storage systems?

2)  How confident are you in your company's ability to completely restore its data without compromise after experiencing a successful ransomware attack?

3)  How rapidly can you restore access to your data following a successful ransomware attack?

4)  Can your organisations analyse backup images for data anomalies and anomalous user activity?

5)  Does your organisation implement air gap solutions and immutable backups to ensure the integrity and security of your backup data?

6)  Does your organisation employ a tiered resiliency architecture?